If you have doubts that an angel is by your side, read how angels do help those who deserve it.
- help others grow
- forgive
- have courage
- use humor with its healing power, connecting with joy
- respect others by offering tolerance, civility, acceptance, and even reverence
- respond with compassion by feeling for others
- are loyal
- listen offering a deep presence, which is the gift of caring
- are creative, spontaneous, and joyful in the expression of life
A person doesn’t have to be a complete paragon of virtue to be the recipient of these good things.
God uses his angels to work things together. We are most aware of this when an angel takes a form that can be seen by humans. Other times the intervention may be by “angels unaware,” or angels who appear as humans. More often, God’s angels are unseen as they work, influencing people and situations in ways that often go unnoticed. At other times they become apparent, sometimes in surprising ways, causing us to wonder, “Why did that good thing happen?”
“Good people” is describe as “generous givers.”
Those who give unselfishly also make themselves more open to receive the grace and favor of God. They experience the truth of Romans 8:28: “God works all things together for good for those who love God.”
by Dr. Stephen Post and Jill Neimark